IIPC Debate 6 Nov, 2012

IIPC Debate #39

Tue 6 Nov, 4 pm. Dr Catherine Strong (Monash University, Australia): Popular Music, Memory and Kurt Cobain
Place: Seminar room E325 (Media Studies), Minerva building, Kaivokatu 12, Turku.

Dr. Strong will be examining the ways in which Kurt Cobain is remembered differently in the mass media and among fans, but also how these accounts intersect and engage with each other. The different narratives of fans and journalists will be presented, with the accounts of fans being theorised as a form of collective memory, itself inherently shaped, but not dominated by, the media. Theories will also be put forward as to why these narratives developed the way they did and what functions they serve for these groups, examining how “both memory and media constitute intermediaries between individual and society, and between past and present” (van Dijck 2004, 263.). The empirical evidence she will be using as the basis for her arguments here is the result of  interviews conducted with Australians who identified themselves as fans of grunge during the early 90s, along with analysis of the coverage of Kurt Cobain in the music paper New Musical Express, and ‘anniversary media’ from the years after Cobain’s death. In further contrast to this, she will also examine some other ways that Cobain has been remembered, commemorated, or subject to museumification, looking at how his hometown of Aberdeen and the EMP Museum in Seattle have used his memory in different ways again to journalists or fans.

Catherine Strong completed her PhD at the Australian National University in 2008. Her book Grunge: Music and Memory (Ashgate Press, 2011) explores the grunge genre as it is remembered by its original fans, navigating the nexus of music, memory, and fandom.

Warm welcome!

New IIPC Director elected

IIPC Press release 16 Oct, 2012

New IIPC Director elected: Professor John Richardson

Professor John Richardson (Musicology, University of Turku) has been elected the new Director of the International Institute of Popular Culture, IIPC.

Professor Richardson is a well-known international scholar, who has published widely on cultural musicology and audiovisual media. His latest output includes An Eye for Music: Popular Music and the Audiovisual Surreal (Oxford University Press, 2011), and Essays on Sound and Vision (edited with Stan Hawkins, Helsinki University Press, 2007). He is currently editing The Oxford Handbook of New Audiovisual Aesthetics (with Claudia Gorbman and Carol Vernallis) and The Oxford Handbook of New Digital Media: Sound, Image, and Emerging Practices (with Carol Vernallis and Amy Herzog).

The new Vice Director of IIPC is Adjunct Professor Kari Kallioniemi (Cultural History, University of Turku), an expert on British popular culture. His latest book is ‘Blitzistä Blairismiin. Englantilainen populaarikulttuuri ja yhteiskunta toisen maailmansodan jälkeen’ (‘From Blitz to Blairism’ – English Popular Culture and Society after the Second World War).

The International Institute for Popular Culture is a multi-disciplinary research unit, concerned not only with issues in contemporary popular culture but also in its history and transformations. The Institute is committed to pursuing academic excellence in the following areas:

– popular music, radio, film, and television
– new media and information technology
– festivals and urban cultures
– youth cultures and subcultures
– cultural industries, consumption and material culture
– sports
– stardom and fandom

The Institute is open to methodologies and theoretical insights, but it places special emphasis on the questions of popular culture as heritage and the social role of popular culture.

IIPC WWW-pages:

IIPC Report 2010 & 2011:

Professor Richardson University of Turku staff page:

Media/teknologian historia – yhdessä vai erikseen? Tiistai 6.11.2012

Kutsu syysseminaariin

Seminaari: Media/teknologian historia – yhdessä vai erikseen?

Turun yliopistossa järjestetään media- ja teknologian historian seminaari tiistaina 6.11.2012 kello 12.45–16 (Kaivokatu 12, sali Tempo eli Minerva, 2 krs.). Seminaaria edeltää klo 12.00 alkava Tekniikan historian seuran syyskokous. Kokouksessa jaetaan Tekniikan Waiheita -lehden vuoden 2011 artikkelipalkinto. Palkittavan on valinnut Suomen historian professori Kirsi Vainio-Korhonen Turun yliopistosta.


Professori Hannu Salmi, (kulttuurihistoria, TY), kello 12.45:

Katsaus media/teknologian historiantutkimuksen kehitykseen Turussa

Professori Jaakko Suominen, (digitaalinen kulttuuri, TY), kello 13.15:

”Vanhasta vara parempi – miksi teknologian historian pitäisi tutkia retrovaatioita?”

Kahvitauko, n. kello 14.00-14.30.

Esitelmät, kello 14.30-16.00:

tutkijatohtori Marko Ampuja, (viestinnän oppiaine, HY): ”Huomioita sähköisestä viestintäteknologiasta uuden aikakauden teorioiden ja utopioiden rakentajana 1800-luvun lopulta 2000-luvun alkuun”

VTM Essi Ylitalo: ”Yrjö Neuvon elämäkerta ja digitaalisen vallankumouksen historian popularisointi”

tutkijatohtori Petri Paju (kulttuurihistoria, TY): ”Monikansallinen teknologiayritys Euroopan jälleenrakentajana ja yhdistäjänä: IBM:n laajentumisstrategia ennen tietokoneita”


Kahvitusta varten toivotaan ilmoittautumisia viimeistään 2.11. osoitteeseen petri.paju@utu.fi tai puh. 02 333 5712.


Seminaarin järjestäjätahot ovat kulttuurihistorian oppiaine ja International Institute for Popular Culture, Turun yliopistosta, sekä Tekniikan historian seura. Lisätietoja antaa Petri Paju, ks. yhteystiedot yllä.

IIPC Debate 11 Oct, 2012

IIPC Debate #38

Thu 11 Oct, 4 pm. Associate Professor Andrew Nestingen (University of Washington, USA): Aki Kaurismäki’s Contrarian Stories. Place: Janus hall, Kaivokatu 12, Turku.

Andrew Nestingen’s research is organized around the question, How do popular texts figure in the way people construct, imagine, and regulate their social worlds? Areas of interest include Finland, Nordic cinema, crime fiction, popular culture, and cultural studies. He is currently finishing a book on Aki Kaurismäki’s films titled The Cinema of Aki Kaurismäki. The book challenges notions of authorship, bohemianism, nostalgia and nationality often associated with Kaurismäki’s films. It also includes my interivew of Kaurismäki. A new book Scandinavian Crime Fiction, which he co-edited with Paula Arvas, is due out in early 2011  in the series European Crime Fiction. Exemplary  publications include a special issue of the Finnish journal Lähikuva on Aki Kaurismäki (2010), co-edited with Henry Bacon and Kimmo Laine, Crime and Fantasy in Scandinavia: Fiction, Film and Social Change (2008), and Transnational Cinemas in a Global North: Nordic Cinema in Transition (2005), co-edited with Trevor Elkington. Another current projects is the Moving Images Research Group (MIRG) at the University of Washington. Nestingen was a fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies during 2008-2009.

Warm welcome!