IIPC Debate 11 Oct

IIPC Debate 112, Mon 11 Oct, 2:15 pm (online, zoom-info below)


‘Youthification’ of television through online drama and real-time storytelling?
Dr Vilde Schanke Sundet (University of Oslo)

Short abstract: For television producers aiming to reconnect with younger audiences, online drama published in real time has become an attractive new format. This is especially true for the Nordic countries, where several successful real-time online drama series have already been developed and produced. In short, playing with time and platforms has become an essential strategy for many storytellers trying to reintroduce a sense of liveness and realness. What are the pros and cons of this way of producing and publishing online drama? What can these digital-first, youth-targeted productions teach us about television as an always-changing medium that constantly has to ‘youthify’ itself to stay relevant? This talk positions online drama and real-time storytelling within a larger frame of how streaming is changing the television industry and its production cultures, publishing models and industry-audience relations. It builds on an in-depth study of the Norwegian public service broadcaster (NRK) and some of its game-changing drama productions (Lilyhammer, SKAM, blank). The analysis draws on more than a hundred interviews with television experts and fans, hundreds of hours of observations, and unique access to industry conferences, meetings, working documents, and ratings. It combines perspectives from production studies, media industry studies, and fan studies.
This talk is based on Sundet’s book, Television Drama in the Age of streaming: Transnational Strategies and Digital Production Cultures at the NRK: https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030664176  
Short bio: Vilde Schanke Sundet (PhD) is a researcher at the Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo. She has published extensively on topics of television production, media industries, media policy and audiences/fans. Her work is published in journals such as New Media & Society, Media, Culture & Society, European Journal of Communication, Poetics, Television & New Media, Critical Studies in Television, Media History, International Journal of Cultural Policy, and Journal of Fandom Studies. Her recent book is Television Drama in the Age of Streaming (Palgrave, 2021). See more: www.vildessundet.org




IIPC Debate with Vilde Schanke Sundet
Time: Oct 11, 2021 02:00 PM Europe/Riga

Meeting ID: 675 7479 2516
Passcode: 110899